Sunday, July 31, 2016

Kelly Lynch and Mitch Glazer about Hamm.....shades shades

We hired Jon Hamm as a bartender for every party we had at our house,” says Lynch, who stars in the upcoming Starz drama set in 1950s Miami. “He was the most gorgeous and adorable guy we’d ever met. All of the women would be lined up at the bar like alcoholics just to see him shake his martini shaker.”
Lynch says it wasn’t just the women who were taken with Hamm. Her young daughter was also smitten. “We’d have these parties and we’d be like, Where’s Shane? And she’d be standing at the bar drawing pictures of Jon pouring drinks for people.”
Lynch admits she and Glazer always wondered why such a charming, talented guy like Hamm wasn’t getting the work he wanted. When “Mad Men” took off, Lynch says she and Glazer were thrilled. “It’s just Crazy Hollywood,” she says of his ascent to stardom. “As soon as somebody gets a job then he’s the greatest thing ever. But someone has to have the guts [to hire that person].”
As for bubbling comparisons that have been made between “Mad Men” and “Magic City,” Lynch dismisses them as “lazy.” “They’re different worlds and they’re different storylines,”
That said, Lynch wouldn’t be opposed to a crossover episode between the two series. More specifically, she’d like to see a romantic storyline between her character Meg, Ike’s wealthy ex-sister-in-law, and Don Draper. “I think Don comes over to Meg’s house one day. He’s like, ‘I’m done with all those Betty’s and everybody else. I just want to hang out with Meg,'” she jokes
All right. And then would you like to address the inevitable comparisons that will be made to Mad Men?
Only in that, you know, I didn’t watch — because I was working — much but the first year I thought was spectacular. And, you know, I know Matt a little and he’s been incredibly gracious since this show happened. And Jon Hamm my wife and I have known for a long time and I’m crazy about him and I love his work.
So it feels earned and I actually wrote the first episode of it in 2007, early 2007, summer of 2007, and so there was no influence other than hopefully if we get compared to the storytelling and writing as far as quality, I’d be thrilled.
Have you become a pro at fielding "Mad Men" comparisons?
Not in any smart comeback sort of way. But in a general sort of way, yeah. I kind of expected it. I started out as a journalist—I used to write for Rolling Stone, Esquire and Vanity Fair back in the day—so I remember you kind of go in, not with a story, but at least an attack on a story or an idea of one. So I kind of expect the "Mad Men" questions.
The answer that always comes to mind is that I was born and raised in Miami Beach, grew up in these hotels. I’ve been carrying around stories my whole life of this period, which as a kid, to me, felt really glamorous and exotic and cool and worth writing about. I had already been writing versions of it for years.... And I had actually pitched it, sold it and wrote it [for CBS] before "Mad Men"...

Will ["Magic City" star] Jeffrey Dean Morgan give Jon Hamm a run for his money?
I know Jon, and I love him. We met because he worked as a waiter at my house like two years before-- yeah, it’s completely random. And, of course, my wife and daughter were in the back room while he was making drinks, just gawking at him.... But again, comparisons are weird. I met Jeff, and he’s such a man, and there’s a depth to him and a complexity to him. And Jon has those same things, but Jeff has a real soulfulness to go with the great looks.
“I think ‘Mad Men’ is brilliant and I love the show, but I wrote this and sold this seven years ago before it aired,” says Glazer. “I wrote this about my hometown. It’s a little irritating — I feel like I have to explain — I have notes on this from back in the ’70s.”
Jon HammI know him. I love him,” Morgan says with a grin at the mention of “Mad Men.” “I get asked about his character and mine a lot, and the show comparisons. Look, it takes place in the same era. We’ll have some skinny ties that are very similar. But other than that, New York and Miami Beach were two very different beasts.”
As for comparisons to his supposed “Mad Men” doppelganger, Don Draper, Morgan sees few parallels.
I think Jon Hamm is freaking awesome,” says Morgan, “but the only similarities we have is we’re both in the [same era] and wear the same skinny ties. That said, I can only hope we have same success as ‘Mad Men.'”

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