Monday, March 6, 2017

Jessica Paré about Hamm

What can you tell us about working with Jon Hamm?
He is super talented–I don't have to tell you that. He's obviously very handsome. I don't have to tell you that either. He's an incredible actor and he's very generous. That makes him amazing to work with. Add to that he's really fucking fun and funny and always up for a laugh. He's really interested in everyone around him so it's great. He's the perfect co-worker.

The first time you met him were you like 'Whoa, he's so attractive'?
Totally. Yes.
AWARDSLINE: Jon Hamm and you have extraordinary chemistry. You just totally believe this relationship. I know he’s a super nice guy, but what’s he like to work with?
PARÉ: He’s horrible, the worst part of my job… [laughter] He’s obviously incredibly talented, and if you know him then you know that he’s super intelligent, very, very funny, and he likes to have an enjoyable time. So, it’s a joy, absolutely
ESQ: A lot of the scenes you have are some of the most tender scenes between anybody. The camera always comes up really close. Sometimes she says words like "I love you." But there's a lot conveyed through the eyeballs. Are these tender moments hard to shoot?

JP: I love Jon Hamm. I'm so lucky to get to work with him and work so closely with him. We have a lot of these scenes that are very intimate, and very tender. Those are the kind of things that an actor lives for. Real moments of connection with other actors. Not that I don't love the dinner-party scenes, there's a special charm to those, too, but when you're sitting around with 10 actors at a table, it takes all day to shoot that scene; it takes all of your energy to keep that scene alive and you keep saying your lines like it's the first time you've said it. Those are almost physical challenges, whereas the moments that an actor lives for, to have these beautifully crafted scenes where, as you say, so much is between the lines — so much happens that is not necessarily in black-and-white on the page. Although on this show, it usually is. As I said, I'm fortunate enough to be working with an actor who is soooo talented and is a generous actor. It ends up being... not fun, but fulfilling. You know what, it's fun, too.
Can you talk about working with Jon [Hamm].  He can be light himself but as Don, he’s hard.  How is it to act with that?
PARE: I’ll tell you guys something [laughs], I was scared of him at first.  I was a fan of the show before and so it was intimidating to start working on the show and all these characters just seemed larger than life.  Then you meet them and they are all real people except for Jon who is freakin’ huge.  But, as you say, he’s so charismatic.  He’s so intelligent and funny and very interested in the person in front of him.  But he’s also extraordinarily talented and it’s at once comforting but also I feel like I want to hold my own in a scene with him.  He’s so amazing, I don’t want to be the drag.

What’s it like working with him as a director?
PARE: Well, it’s great because of all those qualities — the intelligence, the interest and his talent — make him a very good director.  He’s really there, in there, in that scene with you — literally sometimes.  But, even when I have a scene with somebody else, he’s so in tune with what my character is going through at that time that it’s actually really a joy.  Also, he just gets the technical aspect of it which — every actor works differently — but for me, it’s great to a scene with him and then he’s like, “Come.  See at the monitor.  See how you are doing this?  Don’t do that.  This is really great.  Don’t lose that.” There’s a technical aspect to this that you wouldn’t necessarily get with a director who’s not doing the scene with you.
Paré: Jon is at the helm and because he gives a shit, he makes everybody be better at their work and he inspires people to give their best stuff.
I feel so grateful. I certainly miss my friends,”; reveals Jessica, “but, you know, I also text with January [Jones] and Christina [Hendricks], and I saw Jon [Hamm] the other day!”

TTVJ: After Mad Men, you’re no stranger to working on shows with big ensemble casts. What is it like working with the group here on SEAL Team, especially since it’s a lot of guys?
JP: A lot of guys. A LOT of guys! [laughs] It’s very different because I wasn’t on Mad Men until Season 4, so I was already stepping onto a machine that was running seamlessly. We shot in a very classical way, and the way we shoot this is very different. The cameras are moving around all the time, and you kind of don’t know what’s happening. It’s really fun and keeps everything exciting and alive. It is so completely different from the classical way we did things on Mad Men. Both have their pros and cons, but for this in particular where the energy is quick and the action is quick, that way of shooting keeps us on our toes.
In terms of the cast, we are having an absolute blast and it has been so much fun to shoot. We’ve had some really long days, but David Boreanaz is such a great leader, and just like on Mad Men, Jon Hamm really set the tone. I’m very lucky to have worked with Jon, who is an incredible master at that skill, and then go from him to working with David, who is so expansive, generous and funny. It’s a thrill and we’re all very happy.

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